View all our Peugeot engines

Find a Peugeot used engine with a warranty here

Replace a broken engine by a Peugeot used engine, save money and the environment. Our Peugeot used engine's have plenty of life left in them and there is often a choice in mileage and price.

Peugeot used engine - Motor request it here

We supply top quality used engine's for Peugeot 106, 107, 108, 1007, 206, 207, 208, 2008, 306, 307, 3008, 308, 406, 407, 4007, 5008, 508, 806, 807 & RCZ. We also stock an engine for one of the commercial vehicles like the Peugeot Bipper, Partner, Expert and Boxer vans.

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Finding a used Peugeot engine

Our used Peugeot engines come with different mileages, of course their prices vary accordingly. Just take a look in our online warehouse to see what's in stock for yourself. Or send us a part request to find out all info regarding the specific Peugeot motor you are looking for. Our salesteam is well trained to work out what engine is suitable for your Pug and will take you through the process of getting it over to your location!

Important instructions and tips for replacing a Peugeot engine

We have produced a list with instructions and tips below. This is to help you make sure the used Peugeot engine is fitted per manufacturers recommendation and that our replacement motor gives you the reliability and longevity you expect. Please pay careful attention to the following engine mounting instructions when replacing a Peugeot used engine:

1.    Compare both Peugeot engines (old one and the replacement unit)  thoroughly. Parts that are different should be inspected and cleaned before mounting on the ‘new’ engine.

2.    New oil and oil filter, air filter, spark plugs (petrol engines), fuel filters and thermostat replaced. Check the engine for extra (often well hidden) oil filters like a gauze or sieve.

3.    Timing belt tensioners checked, belt and v-belt replaced following manufacturers instructions.

4.    It is recommended that diesel engines have their glow plugs tested and replaced ideally in sets.

5.    All oil seals should be checked and replaced as required.

6.    If the previous engine failed due to overheating the cause must be found and the radiator should be   pressure and flow tested to ensure that it was not the cause.

7.    Coolant hoses checked and replaced as required.

8.    Use starter motor to build up oil pressure before you start the engine!

9.    The cooling system must be refilled with new antifreeze mix and be bled as per manufacturers recommendations.

      Incorrect bleeding of the system can cause an air lock and subsequent overheating resulting in engine damage, this damage will not be covered by the warranty.

If there are any problems after carefully following all the steps above, please contact our company.

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Worldwide Peugeot used engine shipment

We can ship a second hand Peugeot engine worldwide. By sending us a part request our salesmen will use their technical knowledge making sure you receive the right engine as easy as possible. We take no risks regarding the proper packaging material and experienced, automotive shipping companies.

Peugeot used engine examples

Used Peugeot 106 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 107 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 108 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 1007 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 206 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 207 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 208 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 2008 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 306 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 307 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 308 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 3008 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 406 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 406 coupe engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 407 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 4007 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 508 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 5008 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 607 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot 807 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot Bipper engine and engine parts Used Peugeot Partner engine and engine parts Used Peugeot Expert engine and engine parts Used Peugeot Boxer engine and engine parts Used Peugeot tu5jp4 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot dw10bted4 engine and engine parts Used Peugeot ew10j4 engine and engine parts

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